Let’s Join Together to Reverse Runaway Inequality.
Runaway inequality — the ever increasing wealth and income in the hands of a few — is a big, big problem. Everything we value, from democracy to racial justice, is endangered now that the top one percent of Americans have more wealth than the bottom 80 percent. And that number is climbing!
It won’t get better on its own. It’s on all of us to do what we can to build a massive movement that connects us together. The Runaway Inequality project’s role is to develop a force of 30,000 Solidarity Builders, who will share information and policies that promote democracy, equality, and justice with family, neighbors, colleagues. We need to join together across issues, backgrounds, and ethnicities to take on entrenched anti-democratic power.
Why 30,000 Solidarity Builders? During America’s first epic battle against Wall Street, back in the Gilded Age of the robber barons (the 1880s and 90s), the Populist Movement sent 6,000 educators to help small farmers, black and white, learn how to reverse the runaway inequality that was then ripping apart our nation. A powerful movement grew to take back our country—an effort that ultimately led to Social Security, the regulation of Wall Street and large corporations, and legal protections for working people on the job.
Wall Street, large corporations, and their political lackeys have been trying to undermine these protections ever since, by dividing working people by race, sex, union status, and every other way they can.
We’ve been helping unions and community groups all over the country conduct workshops based on the facts and figures assembled in Runaway Inequality, the book, and accompanying curricula. Click here for the RRI Curriculum page. It’s free.
We’re now holding online workshops on Runaway Inequality, COVID-19, and Racial Justice. Join us when you can (we’ll send an invitation) and help spread the word. Take a look at Runaway Inequality: An Activist’s Guide to Economic Justice, and then share the information with friends, family, and colleagues about what’s going on and how they can help. That’s what Solidarity Builders do.
Join us. Let’s join together to help strengthen our democracy.
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