Dear RI: Who Is Working to Reverse Runaway Inequality?

A photo from a recent session in Cleveland, of people figuring out how to reverse Runaway Inequality.

A note from David Bitter:

May 13, 2017

I wanted to thank-you for inviting me to attend the May 2017 “Reversing Runaway Inequality” workshop in Cleveland, Ohio. After pondering the experience for a while I would also like to share some thoughts from my perspective.

At this unique point in time we face significant challenges associated with not only our desire for various forms of social justice but we also face environmental challenges that, unless satisfactorily resolved, may determine whether human beings face extinction in the not so distant future. Faced with such a dilemma I have asked: what should I do? …what can I do?… what will I do?

I know from my own past experiences that people will go to great lengths to avoid very stressful problems especially when their implicit world view (and how they see themselves) is threatened and even more when there appears to be no way to “fix” whatever caused the stressful problem. And when you add to the mental brew the creative talents of humans to imagine ways in which such a dilemma might magically go away, then charting a viable course of action seems even more distant.

And so I offer thanks to Les, and his CWA partners, in offering his book “Runaway Inequality –An Activist’s Guide to Economic Justice” (and the associated workshop/training) as a way to connect the dots of many disparate “causes” through the theme of “Runaway Inequality”.

The Guide and associated training offer an approach that is non-threatening and thus could be used with, for example, the majority of Christians or Muslims, unions members or business owners…even Democrats or Republicans! Additionally, by organizing around the issue of economic justice, any human with a wallet or purse will find a common bond to the call for action and will find a common cause with the proposed solutions. I look forward to being a part of the growing of the populist movement envisioned and know that we can, individually and united, change the world!

With High Regards,

David Bitter – Student of Life

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